Summary and Abstract Preparation and Submission Guideline

Summary and Abstract Preparation Instructions

Objective The Abstract will be distributed at the 8th International Forum to introduce leading-edge technologies and R&D for the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. Moreover, after the forum, the Abstracts will be published on our website as the information for the future decommissioning projects.
Specification – Summary
  • Summary of the Abstract.
  • Up to 200 words. (English)
  • Input directly to the Poster Session registration system.
Specification – Abstract
  • See attached template of Abstract.
  • Paper size: A4(210mm x 297mm), 1 sheet
  • Language: English
  • ID number: Leave a blank space of 30mm x 15mm at the upper left corner. The Secretariat will fill in your ID number.
  • Margins: 25mm for all four sides (top, bottom, left, and right)
  • Font: Century, Times New Roman, Symbol are recommended. 
  • Layout: Place Title (13pt), Author names (11pt), Affiliations (11pt) and Abstract (10pt) at the top and References (9pt) at the bottom.
    The Abstract section should provide a short summary of your presentation (approx. 60 words). There are no restrictions on the use of colors in your Abstract. 
  • Submission: Please convert your abstract data to PDF file and upload via Poster Session registration system.
    The PDF file must not exceed 3MB.
    You are not allowed to compress/password protect your PDF file or use any other security features.

Monday, 24 June 2024, 23:59 JST
*Change Summary or Abstract Cannot be acceptable after deadline.

Conceptional illustration of Abstract

Poster Creation Instructions

Objective The Poster will be presented at the 8th International Forum to introduce leading-edge technologies and R&D for the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. The posters will be used for holding of the session only.
  • Poster size: Portrait A0(W 841mm x H 1,189mm), 1 sheet, See Figure 1.
  • Language: English 
  • ID number: Leave a blank space of 60mm x 150mm at the upper left corner. The Secretariat will fill in your ID number. 
  • Margins: 25mm for all four sides (top, bottom, left, and right)
  • Layout: Place Title, Author names, Affiliations and Abstract prominently at the top of the poster.
    The Abstract should provide a short summary of your presentation (approx. 60 words).
  • Colors: There are no restrictions on the use of colors in your poster.
  • Font/Size: Please choose a font which is easy to read. It is also important to choose a suitable font size. 
    Submission: Please convert your abstract data to PDF file and upload via Poster Session registration system.
    You are not allowed to compress/password protect your PDF file or use any other security features. 
  • The posters will be printed and prepared at the venue by the Secretariat. 
  • The digital files of posters will be deleted after the forum.
Deadline Friday, 26 July 2024, 23:59 JST
Other showpieces If you wish to use power or table to display the small product samples or distribute handouts, please register via Poster Session registration system.
Presenters At least one of the authors must attend the technical poster session during the following: Monday, 26 August 2024, 10:00-11:00, 13:00-14:30 (JST, tentative)
Please make sure to register from the Forum registration system to attend the Forum.
(Registration for the Poster Session alone does not constitute the Forum participation)
Registration for presenters is open at Alios, Iwaki Performing Arts Center on Sunday, 25 August 2024, 16:00 – 18:00.
*Misaki 1-6, Taira Aza, Iwaki-shi, Fukushima-ken, Japan
Transfer of posters Used posters will be given to the authors after the technical poster session if the authors wish to have their posters. Please bring a container, bags, or boxes for the poster if needed. Note that all the posters that remain uncollected after the session will be removed and disposed by the Secretariat.
Technical tour of Fukushima Daiichi NPS A technical tour of the Fukushima Daiichi NPS will be held on Tuesday, 27 August 2024. If you hope to join the tour, please register via Poster Session registration system. Up to 2 persons per poster can request. We might not be able to meet your request due to limited capacity.
Contact For further information on the technical poster session, feel free to contact us

Figure 1 Conceptional illustration of Poster
